Here at Filmtopia we value diverse representations in the media we display - making it the paradise for all film lovers. We have it all: from the latest blockbusters to hidden indie gems, you couldn't wish for anything more.
"Diversity is not just about representation; it's about giving everyone a chance to shine." - Mahershala Ali
We've been so excited to launch our first two editions of Filmtopia magazine this year. We promise to provide a platform for upcoming creatives and individuals from underrepresented groups, helping them to build their career, expand their following and, ultimately, give them a chance to shine. Our team recognises that, in today's society, it is especially important to strive for inclusivity and embrace creativity, reflecting the diverse world we live in. Alongside our dedication to exclusive content such as interviews and film reviews, we offer exciting opportunities in our magazines - from upcoming events like our exclusive filming location tours to competitions and challenges to inspire creativity. We value our readers' opinions and contributions so don't hesitate to send us your competition submissions and leave us a review!
Every month we release a new photoshoot challenge for you and your friends to take part in and submit to our Instagram (@filmtopiamagazine) for a chance to be featured on our page! We provide inspiration for each photoshoot challenge, demonstrated by the main character featured on the front cover of the current month's Filmtopia Magazine to kickstart your creativity:
Photoshoot challenge: pose with your pet
Alyssa with her cat, Grace:
Photoshoot challenge: pose with YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWERS
Bea with a bouquet of white carnations, pink roses and dahlias
"Filmtopia is the best film magazine I've subscribed to, it covers so much more than the typical blockbusters you see everywhere in the media. I would say that it's definitely worth paying for the premium subscription."
- Ivan C.
"The diversity of representation that Filmtopia provides is amazing, it's so refreshing to see new actors instead of the same celebrities that have been dominating the film industry and magazine covers for the last 5 years."
- Serafina A.
"I love getting involved in Filmtopia's monthly photoshoot challenges and competitions with my friends; it's an amazing way to express your creativity and have fun. One time our photoshoot was even posted on their Instragram!"
- Jasmine T.